Questions of ethics, or the right way to run a business, are inherent in all aspects of
corporate governance. Corporate governance is at the heart of how companies are run. the board’s work as the body that bears the ultimate responsibility for the business.
It is also about how the board delegates authority to lead the operations of the entire

The main characteristics of good corporate governance are Participatory, Consensus Oriented, Accountable, Transparent, Responsive, Effective and Efficient, Fair,
Inclusive and Adhering to the Rule of Law. The term ethics originates from the Greek word ”ethos”, which means character Ethics is a set of principles or norms of human behavior that guide the behavior of individuals or organizations. Ethics can be defined as the discipline that deals with moral duties and obligations, important that there is synergy between visions, missions statements, core values, and general business principles aimed to achieve long-term strategic goals Business ethics includes the principles and standards that govern behavior in business operations. People aspire to join organizations that have high ethical values.

More and more companies realize the connection between business ethics and
finances. Ethical climate provides a basis for efficiency, productivity and profit. Customer satisfaction is a decisive factor for successful business strategy and Ethics is the first line of defense against corruption