
Uritum has an assignment to find potential actors who can provide technology and knowledge of modern sustainable solutions, for the waste problem most of the world is facing.


Uritum - a company specialized in training and technology implementation

We focuses on enabling contacts between users and suppliers of equipment and solutions in the area of sustainable energy recovery. We ensure to find potential actors that can provide technology and knowledge regarding sustainable solutions. With our way of working and the assignments we have, it is incredibly important with our working method where we do a detailed overall analysis to make sure we find the best possible technology that we can implement to practice. Uritum aims to provide for green environment, to make sure that we always have the best solutions for sustainable energy

  1. Consulting & counseling services

    Consulting services within sustainable energy supply

  2. Economy advise

  3. Specialize Lawyers

  4. International tax law

  5. Cross-border tax law

  1. Tax optimization

  2. International company formation

  3. Business development

  4. Sustainable solutions

    Solutions in energy recovery

  5. Enable contacts between customers and users

Our areas


Uritum cooperates with various investment companies that have direct access to international banks.

The aim is to be able to independently market services like ours investment companies offer. Thanks to our collaborations, Uritum has direct access to international banks and securities trading platforms This also gives us the opportunity to offer financing solutions to build the future projects.